Offshore product system
According to the market demand of different customers of offshore business, our bank has carefully built four major product systems of offshore finance.To provide domestic and foreign customers with convenient and efficient domestic and foreign, offshore, one-stop, integrated offshore financial customization services.
(I)Offshore investment and financing
Offshore investment and financing business refers to our professional help for Chinese enterprises to "go out".It provides a full range of integrated services for enterprises in the process of capital operation in overseas markets.It covers offshore M & a loans, financial services for privatization of China's stock market, cross-border syndicated loans, overseas non-resident credit, and offshore foreign debt loans.Overseas bond investment and other financial services.
1. Offshore M & A loans

Product introduction: Offshore M & a loans are designed to provide special credit support for overseas M & a transactions of enterprises.In order to meet the needs of the acquirer to pay the transaction price and cost in the merger and acquisition transaction.

Product features:

(1) Personalized design scheme to efficiently meet the financing needs of enterprises for overseas mergers and acquisitions in a variety of credit forms;

(2) The Bank has rich experience in the field of cross-border mergers and acquisitions and has certain brand influence.

2. Privatization of China's stock market and financial services

Product introduction: The financial services for the privatization of China's stock market refer to the services provided by our bank for the privatization and delisting of Chinese-funded overseas listed enterprises (China's stock market).The whole process of financing and professional consulting programs for a series of links, such as equity restructuring and turnover.

Product features:

(1) The financing period is flexible, the guarantee methods are diversified, and the most intimate privatization financing scheme is designed;

(2) Relying on the comprehensive financial advantages of Ping An Group, we will join hands with partners (top domestic securities firms, auditing and legal teams).Provide a full range of privatized financial services.

3. Cross-border syndicated loan

Product introduction: Cross-border syndicated loan refers to a loan organized by two or more banks under the leadership of our bank or with the participation of our bank.Based on the same loan conditions, according to the same loan agreement, according to the agreed time and proportion.Loans granted to overseas or domestic borrowers and managed by the same correspondent bank.

Product features:

(1) It can meet the large amount of financing needs of enterprises and break through the credit limit of a single bank.Save the trouble of repeated negotiations with banks and shorten the financing time;

(2) Flexible use, which can meet the capital needs of customers in daily operations, cross-border mergers and acquisitions and other scenarios.

4. Non-resident global credit
Product introduction: Our bank can provide follow-up domestic and foreign currency and multi-scenario daily financing services for non-resident enterprises to carry out global operations.To meet the global operating capital needs of enterprises, including providing liquidity loans for the daily operating turnover of overseas companies.As well as financing services such as providing financial support for the financing needs of large-scale overseas projects.
Product features:

(1) Personalized design scheme, multiple account systems and multiple credit forms to meet the financing needs of enterprises in various scenarios;

(2) Make full use of low-cost funds in overseas markets to reduce financing costs for enterprises;

(3) Domestic operation of global business and domestic management of overseas funds are efficient and convenient.Greatly simplify the difficulty of global account, capital and financing management of enterprises.

5. Offshore foreign debt loan
Product introduction: On the premise that the regulatory policy permits,Our bank can provide cross-border financing services for registered enterprises in China (except real estate enterprises and local government financing platforms).That is, to issue foreign debt loans, domestic enterprises can use foreign debt loans to settle foreign exchange on demand, and lock in the forward exchange rate to purchase foreign exchange for repayment.So as to meet the RMB financing needs of domestic enterprises.
Product features:

(1) that application range is wide,Except for real estate enterprises and local government financing platforms, domestic enterprises can apply to our bank for offshore cross-border financing;

(2) Domestic enterprises can apply to our bank for offshore cross-border financing on demand within twice the amount of their net assets.It only needs to go through the filing of foreign management in advance.

6. Overseas bond investment
Product introduction: Overseas bond investment refers to the way that our bank subscribes in the primary market or trades in the secondary market.Investment in foreign currency bonds issued overseas by Chinese-funded enterprises.
Product features:

(1) To meet the financing needs of enterprises for overseas bond issuance and help enterprises expand financing channels;

(2) Public offering bonds and private offering bonds issued by investment enterprises abroad, with a term of 1-5 years.

(II) Offshore trade financing
Offshore trade financing refers to the cross-border settlement methods such as letter of credit, collection and T/T carried out by enterprises.Our bank provides relevant settlement and financing services under import and export trade for enterprises.Including letter of credit (import letter of credit, transfer letter of credit, back-to-back letter of credit), bill advance, discount, forfaiting, factoring and other products
Product features:

(1) Various types of products, covering various settlement methods and business scenarios;

(2) There are many ways of product mix and flexible financing means to help enterprises alleviate the pressure of capital turnover;

(3) Help enterprises to transfer the financing platform of traditional import and export trade from domestic to overseas.Reduce the financing cost of enterprises through cross-border trade financing.

(III) Offshore fund management
Offshore fund management refers to the Bank's provision of value preservation and appreciation for the retained funds of enterprises abroad, as well as the reduction of capital costs andForeign exchange and capital transaction services provided to enterprises to avoid exchange rate and interest rate risks.
1. Maintaining and increasing the value of overseas capital
It includes offshore demand deposits, time deposits, agreement deposits and other deposit products.To meet the needs of enterprises to maintain and increase the value of overseas retained funds.Among them, the agreement deposit can be deposited and withdrawn at any time, which not only has the liquidity of demand deposit, but also has the liquidity of demand deposit.At the same time, it can obtain higher deposit interest rate than demand deposit, and has both the liquidity of enterprise deposit and the demand of interest income.
2. Foreign exchange and capital transactions
Our bank provides foreign exchange swap, foreign exchange trading, interest rate swap and other basic foreign exchange and capital transaction services for overseas customers.Help enterprises to solve the problem of currency mismatch in daily operation and avoid exchange rate and interest rate risks.
(IV) Offshore interbank finance
finance means that our bank provides multi-scenario and multi-mode cross-border financial services and cooperation for domestic and overseas banks.
1. Offshore entrusted payment
The offshore entrusted payment service means that after our bank receives the SWIFT authorized payment message from the entrusted payment bank,Pay to its order the designated payee bank or payee,It refers to a financial service that the entrusted payment bank repays the principal and interest to our bank according to the financing interest rate agreed in the entrusted payment message on the specified due date.
2. Forfaiting Resale
Our bank purchases the forfeiting assets from the interbank or sells the forfeiting assets held by our bank to the interbank.So as to realize the adjustment of the assets structure of the same industry or our bank. Offshore Forfaiting means that our bank, at the request of the offshore customer (exporter/seller),The business of buying out its accounts receivable under export (letters of credit) without recourse and giving short-term financing to customers.
Offshore Forfaiting Resale means that our bank has bought from the offshore customer (exporter) without recourse the amount of credit under the accepted letter of credit.The business of reselling accounts receivable to other banks without recourse.
3. Inter-bank deposits and inter-bank lending
According to the liquidity management requirements of offshore funds,Interbank fund deposit, deposit, borrowing and lending with overseas banks.The term of interbank lending and lending of our bank is flexible (overnight, seven days, one month, three months, etc.).Various currencies (freely convertible currencies such as US dollar, euro and Hong Kong dollar).