Guidelines for Opening, Changing and Cancelling Offshore Accounts
Opening an account
No. Category Related Data Type OSA NRA FTN
1 Certification of Legal Registration and Establishment Overseas Registered address of the account opening enterprise Customer owned data
Hong Kong region The British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Seychelles, Bermuda, the Independent State of Western Samoa, Marshall Islands, Belize, and other island nations Britain, Singapore New Zealand, the United States, Macau, Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea and other countries
certificate of incorporation (CERTIFICATE OF CORPORATION)certificate of incorporation certificate of incorporation certificate of incorporation
Business registration certificate (CERTIFICATE OF INCUMBENCY)Employment certificate issued within the last three months BIZRegistration documents showing the recent existence of the company, directors and shareholders (IN01 for British companies and biz file for Singapore companies) FILE) Registration documents showing the recent existence of the company
Most recent annual return (required for more than a year) (CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING)Certificate of good standing issued within the most recent year / Registration documents showing current directors and shareholders
Form X or form D1, D2, D3, d2a, D2B or NC1 for directors Consent to be a director / /
2 Evidence of proceedings Latest memorandum or articles of association or partnership agreement Customer owned data
3 Beneficial owner traceability Provide equity certificates of shareholder companies holding more than 25% of the shares layer by layer Customer owned data
4 identity document Identity documents of directors, authorized signatories, actual controllers, beneficial owners and authorized signatories of account opening Customer owned data
5 Customer access certification Business license, industrial and commercial investigation report and other registration materials of onshore affiliated companies, and proof of affiliated relationship with onshore companies Customer owned data
Materials on the operation of the account opening entity such as contracts, orders and bank flow (the newly established account opening entity can provide relevant operating materials of onshore affiliated companies)
6 Code assignment notice (if any) (applicable to account holders whose NRA/FTN/OSA has applied for special institution code assignment) Customer owned data
7 Basic deposit account opening license (if any) (applicable to the account opening entity of NRA/FTN that has opened a RMB basic account) Customer owned data /
8 Application for opening an account Fill in the application for 《opening accounts for non resident unit customers of Ping An Bank》 Signing bank documents
9 Resolution of the board of directors of the account opening Fill in the resolution of the board of directors of 《Ping An Bank on opening accounts for non resident unit customers》 Signing bank documents
10 Reserved seal Signature of Ping An Bank version seal card Signing bank documents
11 Agency/controller tax residency statement Sign the tax resident status declaration document of the institution/controller Signing bank documents
12 Statement on examination of supporting documents for Opening RMB accounts Written statement on the legality examination of RMB bank settlement accounts opened by foreign institutions by banking financial institutions Provided by the opening bank /
13 Other materials (if required) Other materials such as approval documents (if any) of the competent government departments carrying out relevant activities in China Customer owned data
Account information change
The change of offshore account information refers to the business of a customer who has opened an offshore account in our bank applying to change the content of the original account information. After the change of customer account information, it shall apply to our bank for change procedures in a timely manner. The information required for the change of offshore account information is as follows:
Business name Submission required
Change contact, certificate information, telephone, email, etc
  • ● application for change of account information of offshore account
  • ● a copy of the certificate to be updated (if applicable)
Change of address
  • ● application for change of account information of offshore account
  • ● copies of the certificate of incorporation and certificate of existence of the company
  • ● supporting materials such as pictures taken by customer managers during field visits
Change of business scope
  • ● application for change of account information of offshore account
  • ● copies of the certificate of incorporation and certificate of existence of the company
  • ● business scope certificate officially registered in the place of registration or other materials proving the actual business scope of the customer (if any)
Change the authorized signatory, signing instructions and account name
  • ● application for change of account information of offshore account
  • ● copies of the certificate of incorporation and certificate of existence of the company
  • ● identification of directors and authorized signatories
  • ● one new stamp card (two special stamp cards)
  • ● for offshore island registered companies established for more than one year, the certificate of incumbency within the validity period shall be submitted, and the submission date shall not exceed 3 months from the issuance date
  • ● copy of the company's renaming Certificate (to change the account name)
  • ● statement of tax resident status of institutions (to be provided for changing account name)
Change of directors
  • ● application for change of account information of offshore account
  • ● copies of the certificate of incorporation and certificate of existence of the company
  • ● copy of certificate of change of directors (form d2a submitted by Hong Kong registered company, incumbercy submitted by offshore island registered company within the validity period, no more than three months from the issuance date, and new search materials submitted by other regions)
  • ● identification of directors
Change of beneficial owner, controlling shareholder/actual controller
  • ● application for change of account information of offshore account
  • ● copies of the certificate of incorporation and certificate of existence of the company
  • ● identification of beneficial owner, controlling shareholder/actual controller
  • ● for offshore island registered companies established for more than one year, the certificate of incumbency within the validity period shall be submitted, and the submission date shall not exceed 3 months from the issuance date
  • ● tax residency declaration documents of the controller (if applicable)
  • ● retrospective materials of beneficial owners (such as equity or control certificates)
  • ● other information required by the bank
Add account
  • ● original copy of the application for additional account opening of offshore account and the resolution of the board of directors
  • ● copies of the certificate of incorporation and certificate of existence of the company
  • ● identification of directors and authorized signatories
Cancel account
  • ● offshore account cancellation application
  • ● remittance application (if there is a balance in the account)
  • ● application for Foreign Exchange Trading (if any)
When an offshore customer applies for account cancellation, he shall submit the following materials:

● offshore account cancellation application

● identification of the authorized agent

● remittance application (if there is a balance in the account)