Inward remittance
Product Introduction
Inward remittance means that after receiving a certain amount of money from the remitting bank, the remitting bank is entrusted to pay the remittance to the designated payee.The related parties of inward remittance business include the remitter, the remitting bank, the remitting bank and the payee.Remittance is divided into telegraphic transfer, mail transfer and draft transfer. At present, telegraphic transfer is mainly used, and bill transfer is sometimes used in Shenzhen and Hong Kong settlement.
Product classification and characteristics
Wire Transfer:

1. After receiving the foreign exchange position and the payer's instructions through the advanced international settlement system,A settlement service that transfers money to the recipient's account.At the same time, our bank provides customers with detailed remittance route consultation and related value-added services.

2. The procedure of bank remittance is simple, low cost, fast speed and high security.

Bill of exchange:

1. Meet the demand for rapid settlement of trade funds between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

2. The payment can be credited on the day when the customer brings the ticket to our bank and prompts for payment.

3. Low cost.

Business process
Wire Transfer:

1. The customer goes to the counter of the business hall to handle the account opening procedures and provides the remittance route of our bank to the overseas remitter.

2. The remitter submits the remittance instruction to the remitting bank, which accepts the business and transfers the money to our bank.

3. After receiving the remittance instruction from the overseas bank, our bank will transfer the money to the business institution through the international settlement system.

4. After receiving the payment, the business organization shall check the account number and account name and then pay the payment to the customer.


1. The customer, as the payee, can instruct the payer to handle the formalities at the Bank of Hong Kong (Bank of China Hong Kong, HSBC Hong Kong, Standard Chartered Hong Kong).The bill business of the paying bank.

2. The payer delivers the bill to the customer, and the customer brings the bill to our bank for prompt payment.

3. Our bank will release the payment after checking the bill.

Inward Remittance Special Services
1. Inquiry and tracking of the whole process of remittance
This business refers to the case that the payment cannot be entered into the account due to the incorrect collection information in the process of remittance and payment by our bank.And provide customers with the whole process of inquiry and tracking services.This service ensures that the collection information is corrected as soon as possible and shortens the time that the customer's funds are in transit.Various ways of inquiry, for customers as far as possible to reduce the cost of inquiry.When operating, the customer goes directly to the front desk of the branch and issues a remittance inquiry application with the company's reserved seal.Private customers show valid certificates.After that, our bank inquires the overseas bank by telephone, telegram and other means, and pays the money after receiving the correction telegram from the overseas bank.
2. Priority of remittance for VIP customers
This service is a quick entry service for VIP customers of our bank.The customer shall inform the remittance information in advance (remittance currency, amount, receiving account number and receiving account name), and when the remittance reaches the account of our bank,You can get the convenience of timely and priority processing of remittances.When operating, VIP customers directly contact the counter staff of the branch after they know that the other party's money is remitted.Provide relevant business information.
3. Shenzhen and Hong Kong Foreign Currency Real-time Payment (RTGS)
The Shenzhen Electronic Settlement Center's Shenzhen-Hong Kong Foreign Currency Real-time Payment (RTGS) system can be used for the remittance of Hong Kong dollars and US dollars between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.The system provides zero in-transit clearing of Hong Kong dollar and US dollar transfers between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and realizes instant arrival of funds.The method has the advantages of full settlement of funds, no transfer bank fees, real-time account arrival, rapidness, convenience, safety and affordable cost.During the operation, the customer notifies the foreign exchange issuer to use the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Foreign Currency Real-time Payment (RTGS) system.
4. Fax notice of remittance arrival
The telephone banking of our bank (national service hotline: 95511-3) provides fax bill service for customers free of charge.The contents include the currency amount of the remittance, the remitter, the country of remittance and the time of entry.So that customers can more quickly and clearly understand the status of the entry of funds. When inquiring, please operate according to the voice prompt of the telephone bank.If you use this service for the first time or have other questions, please go to the manual operation.
5. SMS notification of remittance arrival
Our bank provides SMS notification service for customers free of charge, so that customers can receive SMS notification at the first time after payment.For public customers, they only need to carry the reserved seal, the identity certificate of the transactor and the business license.Private customers can open this service by carrying valid identity documents to the counter for relevant formalities.Our bank will automatically send a short message to the telephone number authorized by the customer in advance at the same time when the money is entered into the account, informing the customer of the arrival of the money.The content of this SMS notification only includes the amount and currency of each payment.
6. Inward remittance route (remittance route)
Click to view the Inward Remittance Guidelines