QDII Custody
Ping An Bank provides trusteeship services for overseas financial management funds to banks that have obtained the qualification to start overseas financial management business on behalf of customers.In accordance with the requirements of the Depository Agreement and the relevant laws, regulations and contracts,To perform the custody of QDII assets, execute the instructions of the principal, handle liquidation and delivery, review and examine the net value of overseas financial assets on behalf of customers.The intermediary business of a bank that supervises the operation of investment and collects custody fees.
Applicable objects
Financial institutions (including Chinese and foreign banks, securities companies, fund companies and insurance companies) that have obtained the qualification to conduct overseas wealth management business on behalf of clients, etc.).
Business characteristics and product advantages

1. A special trusteeship department has been set up, equipped with enough qualified full-time personnel familiar with the trusteeship business.

2. Sound internal risk control, supervision and audit, financial management and personnel management systems have been established.

3. An advanced, efficient and independent trusteeship business system has been established, and a firewall has been set up to isolate it from other systems in the industry.

4. Hosting products and services have received good evaluation in the industry.